Redmap Bibliography
Redmap Team.
Here's a list of scientific papers that have already started using the Redmap data generated by...people like you!
Papers citing Redmap data:
García Molinos, J., Hunt, H.L., Green, M.E., Champion, C., Hartog, J.R. and Pecl, G.T., (2022) Climate, currents and species traits contribute to early stages of marine species redistribution. Communications biology, 5(1), pp.1-10.
Downey, R, Edyvane, K, Jones, A, Pecl, G, Pratchett, M, Przeslawski, R, Sambrook, K & Schoeman, D (2022), 'AMSA Position Statement: Climate Change'. Australian Marine Sciences Association.
Graba-Landry, AC; Champion, CL; Haddy, JA; Lyle, JM; Mossop, David; Pearn, Rod; Pecl, GT; Pethybridge, HR; Wolfe, B., Tracey, S., (2022). 'Opportunities and impacts of range extending scalefish species Understanding population dynamics, ecosystem impacts and management needs'. FRDC.
Kelly Rachel, Fleming Aysha, Pecl Gretta T., von Gönner Julia and Bonn Aletta (2020). 'Citizen science and marine conservation: a global review'. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B37520190461
Twiname, S., Audzijonyte, A., Blanchard, J.L., Champion, C., de la Chesnais, T., Fitzgibbon, Q.P., Fogarty, H.E., Hobday, A.J., Kelly, R., Murphy, K.J. and Oellermann, M., (2020). 'A cross‐scale framework to support a mechanistic understanding and modelling of marine climate‐driven species redistribution', individuals to communities. Ecography, 43(12), pp.1764-1778.
Pecl, G.T., Stuart-Smith, J., Walsh, P., Bray, D.J., Kusetic, M., Burgess, M., Frusher, S.D., Gledhill, D.C., George, O., Jackson, G. and Keane, J., (2019). 'Redmap Australia: challenges and successes with a large-scale citizen science-based approach to ecological monitoring and community engagement on climate change'. Frontiers in Marine Science, p.349.
Rachel Kelly, Aysha Fleming, Gretta T. Pecl (2019). 'Citizen science and social licence: Improving perceptions and connecting marine user groups', Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 178.
Nursey-Bray, M, Palmer, R, Pecl, G (2018). 'Spot, log, map: Assessing a marine virtual citizen science program against Reed's best practice for stakeholder participation in environmental management'. Ocean and Coastal Management.
Lenanton RCJ, Dowling CE, Smith KA, Fairclough DV, Jackson G. (2017) 'Potential influence of a marine heatwave on range extensions of tropical fishes in the eastern Indian Ocean - Invaluable contributions from amateur observers'. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 13: 19-31.
Couturier LIE, Jaine FRA, Kashiwagi T. (2015) 'First photographic records of the giant manta ray Manta birostris off eastern Australia'. PeerJ 3:e742
Grove, S. and Finn, J. (2014). 'Unusual strandings of greater argonaut Argonauta argo in southeast Tasmania', Autumn 2014. The Malacological Society of Australasia, No. 151.
Grove, S. (2014). Invasion of the Argonauts! The Tasmanian Naturalist 136: 67-73.
Johnson, C.R., Banks, S.C., Barrett, N.S., Cazassus, F., Dunstan, P.K., Edgar, G.J., Frusher, S.D., Gardner, C., Haddon, M., Helidoniotis, F., Hill, K.L., Holbrook, N.J., Hosie, G.W., Last, P.R., Ling, S.D., Melbourne-Thomas, J., Miller, K., Pecl, G.T., Richardson, A.J., Ridgway, K.R., Rintoul, S.R., Ritz, D.A., Ross, D.J., Sanderson, J.C., Shepherd, S.A., Slotwinski, A., Swadling, K.M., and Taw, N. (2011). 'Climate change cascades: shifts in oceanography, species' ranges and subtidal marine community dynamics in eastern Tasmania'. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 400: 17–32.
Last, P.R., White, W.T., Gledhill, D.C., Hobday, A.J., Brown, R., Edgar, G.J., and Pecl, G (2011). 'Long-term shifts in abundance and distribution of a temperate fish fauna: a response to climate change and fishing practices. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20: 58-72.
Madin, E.M.P, Ban, N.C., Doubleday, Z.A., Holmes, T.H., Pecl, G., and Smith, F. (2012). 'Socio-economic and management implications of range-shifting species in marine systems'. Global Environmental Change, 22: 137-146.
Martin, V., Christidis L., and Pecl G. (2016). Public Interest in Marine Citizen Science: Is there Potential for Growth? Bioscience. doi: 10.1093/biosci/biw070. First published online: June 2, 2016.
Martin V, Christidis L, Lloyd DJ, Pecl GT (2016). 'Understanding drivers, barriers and information sources for public participation in marine citizen science'. Journal of Science Communication (in press)
Martin V, Smith L, Bowling A, Christidis L, Lloyd D, Pecl GT (2016). 'Citizens as Scientists: What Influences Public Contributions to Marine Research?'. Science Communication. Vol. 38(4) 495–522.
Pecl, G. Barry, Y., Brown, R., Frusher, S., Gartner, E., Pender, A., Robinson, L., Walsh, P. and Stuart-Smith, J. (2014). Redmap: Ecological monitoring and community engagement through citizen science. The Tasmanian Naturalist, 136: 158-164.
Ramos J.E., Pecl G.T., Moltschaniwskyj N.A., Strugnell J.M., Leo´n R., et al. (2014). Body Size, Growth and Life Span: Implications for the Polewards Range Shift of Octopus tetricus in South-Eastern Australia. PLoS ONE 9(8): e103480. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103480
Robinson, L.M., Gledhill, D.C., Moltschaniwskyj, N.A., Hobday, A.J., Frusher, S., Barrett, N., Stuart-Smith, J., Pecl, G.T. (2015). Rapid assessment of an ocean warming hotspot reveals “high” confidence in potential species’ range extensions, Global Environmental Change, 31: 28-37,
Stuart-Smith, J., Pecl, G, Pender, A, Tracey, S, Villanueva, C, Smith-Vaniz, W (2016). 'Southernmost records of two Seriola species in an Australian ocean-warming hotspot'. Marine Biodiversity doi:10.1007/s12526-016-0580-4.
Traynor, M. (2015). 'Communicating Scientific Uncertainty: A Lawyer’s Perspective.' Environmental Law Review. Feb, 2015
van Putten, I. E., et al. (2016). 'Recreational fishing in a time of rapid ocean change'. Marine Policy, 76: 169–177.
Papers mentioning Redmap:
Oellermann M, Fitzgibbon QP, Twiname S, Pecl GT,. (2022). 'Metabolic plasticity improves lobster's resilience to ocean warming but not to climate-driven novel species interactions', Scientific Reports, 12, (1) Article 4412. ISSN 2045-2322
Fogarty, H.E. and Pecl, G.T., (2021). 'Lessons and recommendations for the climate adaptation of key Tasmanian fisheries.' Adaptive management of fisheries in response to climate change. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper, (667), pp.245-258.
Melbourne-Thomas, J., Audzijonyte, A., Brasier, M.J., Cresswell, K.A., Fogarty, H.E., Haward, M., Hobday, A.J., Hunt, H.L., Ling, S.D., McCormack, P.C. and Mustonen, T., (2021). 'Poleward bound: adapting to climate-driven species redistribution'. Reviews in fish biology and fisheries, pp.1-21.
Sandahl, A. and Tøttrup, A.P., (2020). 'Marine Citizen Science: Recent Developments and Future Recommendations'. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1), p.24.
Boldt, J.L., Javorski. A. and Chandler, P.C. eds (2020). 'State of the physical, biological and selected fishery resources of Pacific Canadian marine ecosystems in 2019'. Fisheries and Oceans Canada= Pêches et Océans Canada.
Champion, C., Hobday, A.J., Pecl, G.T. and Tracey, S.R., (2020). 'Oceanographic habitat suitability is positively correlated with the body condition of a coastal‐pelagic fish'. Fisheries Oceanography, 29(1), pp.100-110.
Townhill, B.L., Radford, Z., Pecl, G., van Putten, I., Pinnegar, J.K. and Hyder, K., (2019). 'Marine recreational fishing and the implications of climate change'. Fish and Fisheries, 20(5), pp.977-992.
Pettorelli, N., Smith, J., Pecl, G.T., Hill, J.K. and Norris, K., (2019). 'Anticipating arrival: Tackling the national challenges associated with the redistribution of biodiversity driven by climate change'. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(10), pp.2298-2304.
McDonald, KS, Hobday, AJ, Fulton, EA & Thompson, PA (2018). 'Interdisciplinary knowledge exchange across scales in a globally changing marine environment', Global Change Biology, no. March, pp. 1-16.
Ramos, JE, Pecl, GT, Moltschaniwskyj, NA, Semmens, JM, Souza, CA & Strugnell, JM (2018). ‘Population genetic signatures of a climate change driven marine range extension’, Scientific Reports, pp. 1–12.
Booth, DJ, Bond, N & Macreadie, P. (2011). 'Detecting range shifts among Australian fishes in response to climate change Marine and Freshwater Research'. 62: 1027–1042.
Harasti, D. (2015). 'Range extension and first occurrence of the thorny seahorse Hippocampus histrix in New South Wales', Australia. Marine Biodiversity Records, Vol 8, e49.
McDonald, K.S., Hobday, A.J., Fulton, E.A., Thompson, P.A. (2018). 'Interdisciplinary knowledge exchange across scales in a globally changing marine environment'. Global Change Biology, 1-16.
Przeslawski, R., Falkner, I., Ashcroft, M.B., Hutchings, P. (2012). 'Using rigorous selection criteria to investigate marine range shifts'. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 1-8.
Redmap data outputs
Redmap Tasmania Report Card (2013)
The Redmap Australia Decadal Report Card (2022) - TAS, NSW, WA
The Redmap Australia Report Card Poster (2022)