Western Australia, Australia
Dep. of Primary Industries & Regional Development
Website: http://www.fish.wa.gov.au/frames
David Fairclough
My background is as a surfer, snorkeller and diver and professionally as a fish biologist, having worked on temperate and tropical fishes and conducted studies of fish communities, ecology, movement, reproductive biology, age and growth, diet and fisheries stock assessments.
My current focus is to provide the data necessary for stock assessments of demersal fishes along the west coast of Australia. These data are essential for making science-based decisions about the management of a socially-important resource. To improve our ability to conduct assessments and involve recreational fishers in the scientific process, we developed the citizen science project Send Us Your Skeletons (www.fish.wa.gov.au/frames), which has been very successful. Redmap is another great way to increase the communication and knowledge flow between scientists and the public.