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Western Australia
South Australia
New South Wales
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Scissortail sergeant ( Abudefduf sexfasciatus )
Indo-Pacific sergeant ( Abudefduf vaigiensis )
Crown-of-thorns seastar ( Acanthaster planci )
Eastern wirrah ( Acanthistius ocellatus )
Western wirrah ( Acanthistius serratus )
Western yellowfin bream ( Acanthopagrus morrisoni )
Western blue groper ( Achoerodus gouldii )
Eastern blue groper ( Achoerodus viridis )
Warty prowfish ( Aetapcus maculatus )
Pacific bonefish ( Albula argentea )
Eastern Clown Anemonefish ( Amphiprion percula )
Whitebarred boxfish ( Anoplocapros lenticularis )
Rusty Jobfish ( Aphareus rutilans )
Rock cale ( Aplodactylus lophodon )
Green jobfish ( Aprion virescens )
Firebrick seastar ( Asterodiscides truncatus )
Mado ( Atypichthys strigatus )
Frigate mackerel ( Auxis thazard )
Blue whale ( Balaenoptera musculus )
Coral pigfish ( Bodianus axillaris )
Foxfish ( Bodianus frenchii )
Giant trevally ( Caranx ignobilis )
Silvertip Shark ( Carcharhinus albimarginatus )
Grey Reef Shark ( Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos )
Blacktip Reef Shark ( Carcharhinus melanopterus )
Greynurse shark ( Carcharias taurus )
White shark ( Carcharodon carcharias )
Loggerhead turtle ( Caretta caretta )
Keyhole angelfish ( Centropyge tibicen )
Longspine sea urchin ( Centrostephanus rodgersii )
Western longspine sea urchin ( Centrostephanus tenuispinus )
Western butterflyfish ( Chaetodon assarius )
Threadfin butterflyfish ( Chaetodon auriga )
Klein's butterflyfish ( Chaetodon kleinii )
Blackback butterflyfish ( Chaetodon melannotus )
Meyer's butterflyfish ( Chaetodon meyeri )
Lattice Butterflyfish ( Chaetodon rafflesii )
Doublesaddle butterflyfish ( Chaetodon ulietensis )
Ballina angelfish ( Chaetodontoplus ballinae )
Queensland yellowtail angelfish ( Chaetodontoplus meredithi )
Red morwong ( Cheilodactylus fuscus )
Green turtle ( Chelonia mydas )
Redtail Parrotfish ( Chlorurus japanensis )
Baldchin groper ( Choerodon rubescens )
Blackspot tuskfish ( Choerodon schoenleinii )
Onespot puller ( Chromis hypsilepis )
Yellowback puller ( Chromis nitida )
Sea nettle ( Chrysaora kynthia )
Snapper ( Chrysophrys auratus )
Australian pineapplefish ( Cleidopus gloriamaris )
Comb wrasse ( Coris picta )
Mahi mahi ( Coryphaena hippurus )
Barcheek Trevally ( Craterognathus plagiotaenia )
Saltwater crocodile ( Crocodylus porosus )
Tiger cowrie ( Cypraea tigris )
Dusky morwong ( Dactylophora nigricans )
Purple flying gurnard ( Dactyloptena orientalis )
Common dolphin ( Delphinus delphis )
Southern soft coral ( Dendronephthya australis )
Leatherback turtle ( Dermochelys coriacea )
Cockburn Sound anemone ( Dofleinia armata )
Dugong ( Dugong dugon )
Blue threadfin ( Eleutheronema tetradactylum )
Hawaiian giant herring ( Elops hawaiensis )
Old wife ( Enoplosus armatus )
Goldspotted rockcod ( Epinephelus coioides )
Queensland groper ( Epinephelus lanceolatus )
Potato rockcod ( Epinephelus tukula )
Hawksbill turtle ( Eretmochelys imbricata )
Southern right whale ( Eubalaena australis )
Mosaic leatherjacket ( Eubalichthys mosaicus )
Snakeskin wrasse ( Eupetrichthys angustipes )
Tiger shark ( Galeocerdo cuvier )
Rock blackfish ( Girella elevata )
Luderick ( Girella tricuspidata )
Zebrafish ( Girella zebra )
Pearl perch ( Glaucosoma scapulare )
Red velvetfish ( Gnathanacanthus goetzeei )
Shark mackerel ( Grammatorcynus bicarinatus )
Dogtooth tuna ( Gymnosarda unicolor )
Stout moray ( Gymnothorax eurostus )
Green moray ( Gymnothorax prasinus )
Crested hornshark ( Heterodontus galeatus )
Rainbow cale ( Heteroscarus acroptilus )
Spiny seahorse ( Hippocampus histrix )
White's Seahorse ( Hippocampus whitei )
Seasnakes ( Hydrophiidae spp. )
Yellow-bellied seasnake ( Hydrophis platurus )
Halfbanded seaperch ( Hypoplectrodes maccullochi )
Banded rockcod ( Hyporthodus ergastularius )
Black marlin ( Istiompax indica )
Striped marlin ( Kajikia audax )
Silver drummer ( Kyphosus sydneyanus )
Thornback cowfish ( Lactoria fornasini )
Barramundi ( Lates calcarifer )
Sergeant baker ( Latropiscis purpurissatus )
Pacific ridley turtle ( Lepidochelys olivacea )
Redthroat emperor ( Lethrinus miniatus )
Spangled emperor ( Lethrinus nebulosus )
Ornate emperor ( Lethrinus ornatus )
Tripletail ( Lobotes surinamensis )
Mangrove jack ( Lutjanus argentimaculatus )
Crimson Snapper ( Lutjanus erythropterus )
Golden snapper ( Lutjanus johnii )
Fiveline snapper ( Lutjanus quinquelineatus )
Maori Snapper ( Lutjanus rivulatus )
Moses' snapper ( Lutjanus russellii )
Red emperor ( Lutjanus sebae )
Midnight Snapper ( Macolor macularis )
Estuary perch ( Macquaria colonorum )
Blue marlin ( Makaira nigricans )
Humpback whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae )
Eastern king prawn ( Melicertus plebejus )
Flatback turtle ( Natator depressus )
Footballer sweep ( Neatypus obliquus )
Lemon shark ( Negaprion acutidens )
Grey morwong ( Nemadactylus douglasii )
Blue morwong ( Nemadactylus valenciennesi )
Whiskered prowfish ( Neopataecus waterhousii )
Bluespotted maskray ( Neotrygon australiae )
Red tide ( Noctiluca scintillans? )
Crimsonband wrasse ( Notolabrus gymnogenis )
Gloomy octopus ( Octopus tetricus )
Herring cale ( Olisthops cyanomelas )
Southern Maori Wrasse ( Ophthalmolepis lineolatus )
Australian snubfin dolphin ( Orcaella heinsohni )
Killer whale ( Orcinus orca )
Harlequin fish ( Othos dentex )
Common sand crab ( Ovalipes australiensis )
Ornate rocklobster ( Panulirus ornatus )
Spotted grubfish ( Parapercis ramsayi )
Short boarfish ( Parazanclistius hutchinsi )
Giant boarfish ( Paristiopterus labiosus )
White-ear ( Parma microlepis )
Diamondscale goatfish ( Parupeneus ciliatus )
Goldsaddle goatfish ( Parupeneus cyclostomus )
Sidespot goatfish ( Parupeneus pleurostigma )
Blacksaddle goatfish ( Parupeneus spilurus )
Paradise threadfin bream ( Pentapodus paradiseus )
Gillblotch leatherjacket ( Pervagor janthinosoma )
Leafy seadragon ( Phycodurus eques )
Common seadragon ( Phyllopteryx taeniolatus )
Razor clam ( Pinna dolabrata )
Roundface batfish ( Platax teira )
Northern sand flathead ( Platycephalus endrachtensis )
Brown sweetlips ( Plectorhinchus gibbosus )
Oblique-banded Sweetlips ( Plectorhinchus lineatus )
Common Coral Trout ( Plectropomus leopardus )
Branching Coral ( Pocillopora aliciae )
Blueface Angelfish ( Pomacanthus xanthometopon )
Tailor ( Pomatomus saltatrix )
Blue swimmer crab ( Portunus armatus )
Spine-cheek Clownfish ( Premnas biaculeatus )
Australian sawtail ( Prionurus microlepidotus )
Tropical sawshark ( Pristiophorus delicatus )
Goldband snapper ( Pristipomoides multidens )
Freshwater sawfish ( Pristis pristis )
Green sawfish ( Pristis zijsron )
Common lionfish ( Pterois volitans )
Cobia ( Rachycentron canadum )
Spanner crab ( Ranina ranina )
Slender sunfish ( Ranzania laevis )
Eastern rock lobster ( Sagmariasus verreauxi )
Bluebarred parrotfish ( Scarus ghobban )
Spanish mackerel ( Scomberomorus commerson )
Grey mackerel ( Scomberomorus semifasciatus )
Banded sweep ( Scorpis georgiana )
Giant mud crab ( Scylla serrata )
Giant cuttlefish ( Sepia apama )
Yellowtail kingfish ( Seriola lalandi )
King George Whiting ( Sillaginodes punctatus )
Yellowfin whiting ( Sillago schomburgkii )
Australian humpbacked dolphin ( Sousa sahulensis )
Australian angel shark ( Squatina australis )
Coral Sea gregory ( Stegastes gascoynei )
Redspot wrasse ( Stethojulis bandanensis )
Brokenline wrasse ( Stethojulis interrupta )
Eye-stripe triggerfish ( Sufflamen chrysopterum )
Tasman beaked whale ( Tasmacetus shepherdi )
Jansen's wrasse ( Thalassoma jansenii )
Moon wrasse ( Thalassoma lunare )
Green moon wrasse ( Thalassoma lutescens )
Yellowfin tuna ( Thunnus albacares )
Rusty-spotted toadfish ( Torquigener pallimaculatus )
Southern roughy ( Trachichthys australis )
Common dart ( Trachinotus botla )
Whitetip reef shark ( Triaenodon obesus )
Southern fiddler ray ( Trygonorrhina dumerilii )
Eastern fiddler ray ( Trygonorrhina fasciata )
Turrum ( Turrum fulvoguttatum )
Burrunan dolphin ( Tursiops australis )
Bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus )
Japanese kelp ( Undaria pinnatifida )
Yellowedge coronation trout ( Variola louti )
Mozambique seabream ( Wattsia mossambica )
Hairtail blenny ( Xiphasia setifer )
Moorish idol ( Zanclus cornutus )
With your help, Redmap will be tracking the following fish around Australia. Some of these fish may be common along your coastline - but have you spotted any that aren't normally found at your local diving, fishing or swimming spots? Redmap is interested in sightings where fish have ventured away from their usual home range. You can sort this list by region and fish species or common name. And just a short note: when we talk about "fish", technically we're talking about "bony fishes" (not sharks and rays which have cartilaginous skeletons!). Bony fishes are the biggest and most diverse group of vertebrate in the world.
Acanthistius serratus
The Western wirrah has a pale green-brown body with small spots that merge into lines on the head. They are commonly found in caves in sout…
Bodianus frenchii
Wrasse like, bright red to reddish above and white below with prominent yellow blotches on side, prefers deeper areas and occasionally caug…
Cleidopus gloriamaris
Pineapplefish have a distinctly rounded body covered with a mosaic of yellow plate like scales with black lines between them. They are occa…
Coryphaena hippurus
Common to global tropical waters. This is a highly migratory species, not common to southern waters in Australia. This species is very brig…
Macquaria colonorum
Mostly silver, darker grey above, fins are grey except for whitish anal fin. Juveniles are slightly mottled or streaked on sides with dark …
Neatypus obliquus
White with six distinctive brown edged yellow stripes which occur obliquely across the body and yellow fins.
Length: Up to 24 cm
Pomatomus saltatrix
Distributed from northern New South Wales across southern mainland Australia to Western Australia. Tailor are also known in recent years to…
Scorpis georgiana
Deep bodied with grey to brownish grey above and silver below with two broad dark bands.
Length: Up to 46 cm
Sillago schomburgkii
The body of the yellow-fin whiting is sandy brown to sandy yellow in colour with yellow ventral fins. The body lacks striping in the adult…
Thunnus albacares
Yellowfin tuna have yellow dorsal and anal fins which are scythe shaped in larger adults and no striations on the underside of the liver. D…