Redmap Summer Newsletter 2019
Redmap's end-of-Summer 2019 newsletter contains a summary of out-of-range sightings by redmap contributors around Australia, and as always, the latest in interesting news from Australian seas.
Redmap's end-of-Summer 2019 newsletter contains a summary of out-of-range sightings by redmap contributors around Australia, and as always, the latest in interesting news from Australian seas.
The Redmap team are back with their 2017/18 Summer Newsletter!
To read about the how many unusual sightings were logged this Summer, how climate change is altering sex in the sea, how citizen science observations are helping to identify range-shifting species, and much more follow the link below.
The Redmap Team has voted for their favourite photos from the Redmap Diver Photo Competition, check out the entries in the Redmap newsletter Winter 2017! Also in this issue: see how citizen science data is used for research, Australasian Fishes want your photos and the Secchi Disk study.
The Redmap Team have judged their favourite marine sightings ever - check them out in the Redmap Newsletter (Summer 2016/2017). Also in this edition: all your community data is reviewed in the Redmap Report Card 2016, meet some Redmap scientists - and why are Tasmanian waters heating up faster than usual?
Which fish and marine critters made Redmap's Top 3 sightings list in each state? Find out in the Winter 2016 Redmap newsletter. Also in this edition: read about a Redmap scientist, a seaslug lover, and Redmap's most southern sighting!
Read about Redmap's Top 3 marine sightings logged by the community in each state! Also in this edition: catching tropical fish in Victoria, an interview with a commercial fisher, Redmap's WA Champions and why a rare sea slug excited Redmap scientists. Read the Summer 2015/16 Redmap news.
This edition celebrates citizen science and Redmap's community observations around the country, including a once-in-a-Century sighting. Also, we need your help if you live in WA: become a Redmap WA Champion! Read the Aug/Sept newsletter.
This edition reviews Redmap's community observations, including the Top 3 sightings per state. Also, check out the interviews with Redmap members and other marine news! Read the May newsletter.
This edition reviews Redmap's Top 10 Oddest sightings! Also read about sea urchins and ecosystem collapse, coral trout and see the latest observations from the community. Read Redmap's Summer Newsletter.
This edition reviews the Redmap data - including the Top 10 species logged on Redmap! Also read about molluscs on the move, the tropicalisation of Sydney Harbour and amusing names given to fish. Read the October Redmap newsletter.
This edition covers some quirky fish facts, reveals the winners of the Redmap video competition, a news story with Redmap founder Dr Gretta Pecl and other marine news! Read the July newsletter here.
This edition covers Redmap's video competition, our oddest-looking sightings (like warty prowfish and yellow sea slugs), and other marine news. Read it here.
Check out the latest edition of the Redmap newsletter - and happy holidays from the Redmap team!
Check out the new Redmap video: "It's not fishing it's research!". We also cover some wacky research into global warming impacts. And catch up on the latest marine news in your region. Read the September 2013 Redmap newsletter here.
This edition of Redmap news covers Redmap's first Report Card! We also interviewed the hilarious Andrew Hart co-host of the TV fishing show Hook, Line and Sinker. Also, check out the uncommon fish reported by Australian fishers and divers and read their fishing anecdotes. The Redmap June 2013 newsletter can be read here.
Redmap has launched around Australia! This edition of the Redmap newsletter looks at what Australians are logging on the Redmap website. We talked to some "ole mariners" around Australia about changes they're seeing in their local seas. And why are some marine species moving their marine postcodes? Read the Redmap newsletter here.
This is the first national Redmap newsletter! This edition looks at why fish are leaving home in a huff; and asks if Tassie seas could be considered fish soup. And Redmap is soon to be launched around the country! Read the latest Redmap newsletter here.
Read the archived Redmap newsletters from way back (when the Redmap project was only based in Tasmania!).