Western wirrah
Acanthistius serratus

(Image credit: Rick Stuart-Smith, Reef Life Survey)
The Western wirrah has a pale green-brown body with small spots that merge into lines on the head. They are commonly found in caves in southwest Australia.
Length: Up to 50 cm
Shallow reefs; 0-40 m depth
Log it
Log this species in South Australia when you see it east of Port Lincoln
Related links/info
Species names on the Redmap site are based on the Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota or CAAB (http://www.cmar.csiro.au/caab/). This is updated regularly and lists the approved common name, family, species name and more.
Redmap species descriptions were based, with permission, on the following resources:
Australian Marine Life: The Plants and Animals of Temperate Waters by G. J. Edgar, Revised Ed. (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne
Fishes of Australia’s Southern Coast, Edited by M. Gomon. D. Bray and R. Kuiter (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne
Find further information and images at FISHES OF AUSTRALIA http://www.fishesofaustralia.net.au/