Mahi mahi
Coryphaena hippurus

(Image credit: NSW DPI)
Common to global tropical waters. This is a highly migratory species, not common to southern waters in Australia. This species is very bright with colourful blues and yellows which fade quickly upon death. Older male fish have a steep forehead, like a lump (hump headed).They are not related to dolphins.
AKA: Dolphinfish, common dolphinfish
Length: Up to 2 m
Pelagic open ocean, usually offshore but can be found in coastal areas; 0-100 m depth
Log it
Log Mahi mahi whenever spotted in Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia or south of Perth in Western Australia. Although it's distribution is widespread, there is not a lot of information about the Mahi mahi's movements in Australia.
Related links/info
Species names on the Redmap site are based on the Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota or CAAB ( This is updated regularly and lists the approved common name, family, species name and more.
Redmap species descriptions were based, with permission, on the following resources:
Australian Marine Life: The Plants and Animals of Temperate Waters by G. J. Edgar, Revised Ed. (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne
Fishes of Australia’s Southern Coast, Edited by M. Gomon. D. Bray and R. Kuiter (2008) Reed Books, Melbourne
Find further information and images at FISHES OF AUSTRALIA
Fishes of Tasmania by P. Last, E. Scott and F. Talbot (1983). Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority, Hobart