Lemon shark
Negaprion acutidens

(Image credit: Doug Perrine)
Pale yellowish brown shark with broad head, blunt snout and similar-sized dorsal fins. Dorsal surfaces vary from uniform pale yellow to light brown or grey. Ventral surfaces whitish. No conspicuous fin markings. Blunt snout. Slender, erect, smooth-edged upper teeth.
Length: Up to 3 m
Shallow, sandy lagoons and turbid mangrove swamps; 2-90 m depth
Log it
In Western Australia, log this species south of the Abrolhos Islands
Related links/info
Species names on the Redmap site are based on the Codes for Australian Aquatic Biota or CAAB (http://www.cmar.csiro.au/caab/). This is updated regularly and lists the approved common name, family, species name and more.
Find further information and images at FISHES OF AUSTRALIA http://www.fishesofaustralia.net.au/
Last PR and Stevens JD. 2009. Sharks and Rays of Australia. 2nd Edition.